The eating plan for tomorrow -
Meal 1
• Whole 2 eggs - 3 egg whites
• 1 small Bowl of Oatmeal
• 1 Apple
Meal 2
• Cottage Cheese
• 1 Yogurt mixed with 1 cup of walnuts
Meal 3
• Tuna Salad on Whole Wheat
Meal 4
• Turkey on Whole Wheat
• 1 Medium Salad
Meal 5
• Fruit Salad (grapes, cantaloupe, kiwi, watermelon)
• 1 table spoon of Peanut Butter
Meal 6
• Salmon
• Asparagus
• 1 Sweet Potato
Approximate Calories: 3,050 Carbs: 347g (46%)
Protein: 150g (20%) Fats: 128g (34%)
Added meat in the first week to give myself a protein boost then back to limited intake of meat for the next 5 weeks - this is gunna be a tough puppy to follow but to achieve what you want to achieve you have to make small sacrifices.
Also going to increase cardio (heavy bag/skipping/etc) to 2hrs a day on top of a very heavy modifed Russian strength lifting program.....with plymetrics and a cheeky bodybuilding thrown in the mix......