When you hear someone say 'they took a risk' i came to realise that they came to a point in thier lives where they came to a cross roads, a kind of catch 22 situation. What i mean is im at a point where i have choices to make but each choice has its limits, which stop me from moving further forward. Im at a point where most of the choices i have made have come to a sticking point. So at the moment bear is turning around in circles.
Taking a risk is a choice, its a risk because its a choice that has no visual outcome in the minds eye. There is no determined postive or negative outcome. A risk is something that pushes your comfort zone beyond what it is use to. A risk pushes the buttons of your fear. But your fear is yourself doubt. Useless your watching a a really scary film then thats just this bear been a scaried cat and rather hide under the duvet but what protection that will give from an alien or axe using mad man still dont stop bear from using it as a shield. And its the next few nights that my mind gets its own back on me for all the undue pressure i put it under.
Anyway taking a risk, i mean a real risk, is doing something that has no certain outcome. Its not like leaving the house and going down the road to the shop. Yes something could happen but we dont see that has a risk because we have done that several times so we no longer see it as a risk. So a risk is something that we have not done before. Its something that takes courage and its something that takes will power and a battle within yourself to fight off your fear.
But know something, whats to loose, money? get into more debt? face?, people laughing at you?, not succeeding? Other than loosing your life or your relationship with family or loved ones and looking after yourself then a risk is worth taking. And it takes just one step and that first step will lead to the next then the next and before you know it you will look back and think....at least i took the risk! not matter what the outcome.
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