bear-ing it since 72

bear-ing it since 72
bear-ing it since 72

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

The Complete Keys To Progress.......

A collection of columns written by John McCallum for Strength and Health magazine (published by York Barbell) from 1965 to 1972. These are classic pre-steroid era routines, mostly full body, aimed at natural bodybuilders. A glimpse into how the champions of old trained.

Bulking Routines

The Time Factor

Press behind neck: 2 x 12
Bent over row: 3 x 15
Bench press: 3 x 12
Curls: 1 x 10
Squats: 2 x 15
Pullovers: 2 x 20 (supersetted w/ squats)
Stiff-legged deadlift: 1 x 15
Leg raises: 1 x 25

3 times per week


Press behind neck: 3 x 12
Squat: 2 x 20
Pullover: 2 x 25

3 times per week

For Size and Strength

Prone hyperextensions: 3 x 10
Squats: 5 x 5
Pullovers: 5 x 20 (supersetted w/ squats)
Front squats: 3 x 10
Bench press: 4 x 8
Power cleans: 5 x 5
Bent over rows: 5 x 10
Press behind neck: 3 x 8
Incline curls: 3 x 8 (supersetted w/ presses)

3 times per week
Advanced program

Power Training

4 days per week

Military Press: 5 x 5 (same weight)
Curl: 5 x 3 (same weight)
Squats: 8-10 sets, starting with sets of 5 and working towards sets of 3, increasing weight on each
Pullovers 8-10 x 10 (supersetted w/ squats)

Bench Press: 5 x 3 (same weight)
Snatch: 5 x 3 (same weight)
Power cleans: 5 x 3 (same weight)
Deadlifts: 3-5 x 2 (increasing weight each set)
Situps: 1 x 25

Bulking The Upper Body

Prone Hyperextensions: 3 x 10

Squats: 2 x 15
Pullovers: 2 x 20 (supersetted w/ squats)

Bench press: 5 x 10
Alternating forward raise: 5 x 10 (supersetted w/ bench press)

Flyes: 5 x 10
Side lateral raises: 5 x 10 (supersetted w/ flyes)

Bent over rows: 5 x 10
Rear lateral raises: 5 x 10 (supersetted)

Behind the neck pulldowns: 5 x 10
Press behind the neck: 5 x 10 (supersetted)

Curls: 5 x 10
Dips: 5 x 10 (supersetted)

Incline curls: 5 x 10
Triceps extensions: 5 x 10 (supersetted)

Upright rows: 1 x 10
Curls: 1 x 10
Dips: 1 x 10

Very advanced program

The High Protein - High Set Program


Situps: 1 x 25
Press behind the neck: 5 x 6 (same weight on last 3 sets), 10 x 8 w/ lighter weight
Bench press: 5 x 6 (same weight on last 3 sets), 10 x 8 w/ lighter weight
Curls: 5 x 6 (same weight on last 3 sets), 10 x 8 w/ lighter weight
French press: 5 x 6 (same weight on last 3 sets), 10 x 8 w/ lighter weight


Leg raises: 1 x 25
Squats: 5 x 6 (same weight on last 3 sets), 10 x 8 w/ lighter weight
Pullovers: 15 x 10 (supersetted w/ squats)
Calf raise: 15 x 10
Neck exercise: 10 x 8 front and back
Bent over rows: 5 x 6 (same weight on last 3 sets), 10 x 8 w/ lighter weight

Bulking Up

(This is where the Super Squats program came from)

Press behind the neck 3 X 12
Squats 1 X 20
Pullovers 1 X 20
Bench Press 3 X 12
Rows 3 X 15
Stiff Legged Deadlift 1 X 15
Pullovers 1 X 20

3 times per week

Softening up for Weight Gains

3 month routine

Month 1

Seated press behind neck 3 X 12
Squats 1 X 30
Pullovers 1 X 30
Stiff legged deadlifts 1 x 20

3 times per week

Month 2

Seated press behind neck 3 X 12
Lateral raises 3 X 15
Bent over lateral raises 3 x 15
Squats 1 X 30
Pullovers 1 X 30
Hip belt squats 3 X 15
Stiff legged deadlifts 1 x 20
Shrugs 3 X 15
Pulldowns to back of neck 3 X 15

3 times per week

Month 3

One arm military press 3 X 15
Squats 1 X 20
Pullovers 1 X 20
Hip belt squats 3 X 15
Stiff legged deadlifts 1 x 20
Dips 5 X 10 supersetted w/:
Concentration curls 5 x 10

3 times per week

The Hip Belt Squat Routine

Prone hyperextension 3 X 12
Squats 1 X 20
Pullovers 1 X 20
Hip Belt Squats 4 X 15
Donkey calf raise 4 X 20
Incline dumbbell bench 4 X 12
Chins behind neck 4 X 15
Stiff legged deadlifts 2 X 15
Concentration Curls 3 X 10
Triceps extensions 3 X 10

3 times per week

The Super Power and Bulk Thing

Dips 3 X 12
Machine Pullovers 3 X 15
Squats 1 X 20
Pullovers 1 X 20
Curls 3 X 12
Press behind the neck 3 X 12

3 times per week

The Power Look

Squats 3 X 3, 2 X 1
Bench Press 3 X 3, 2 X 1
Rows 5 X 5
Power cleans 3 X 3
High pulls 3 X 3
Deadlifts 3 X 3, 2 X 1

Specialization Routines



Squats: 5 x 5
Hack squats: 4 x 12
Leg curls: 5 x 10
Donkey calf raises: 5 x 20
Machine calf raises: 5 x 20
Front squats: 4 x 8


Prone hyperextensions: 4 x 10
Power cleans: 5 x 5
Deadlifts: 8 x 3 (increasing weight each set)
Bent over rows: 5 x 12
Chins behind the neck: 5 x 10
Regular chins: 5 x 10

Neck Specialization:


Prone hyperextensions: 3 x 10
Squats: 5 x 5
Pullovers: 5 x 12 (supersetted w/ squats)
Bench press: 5 x 5
Power cleans: 5 x 5
Bent over rows: 5 x 5
Press behind neck: 5 x 5
Curls: 5 x 5


Shrugs: 5 x 12

Wrestlers Bridge: 5 x 10
Lying neck flexion on bench (face up): 5 x 10 (supersetted w/ bridges)

Side neck extensions on cable machine: 5 x 12 each side

Lying neck extensions on bench (face down) 5 x 8

Building the Grip and Forearms


Dumbell swings: 2 x 15
Squats: 5 x 5 (increased weights sets 1-3, same weight as 3 on 4-5)
Pullovers: 5 x 20 (supersetted w/ squats)
Front squats: 5 x 6 (same progression as squats)
Incline dumbbell bench: 5 x 8
Upright rows: 5 x 6
Chins: 5 x 8
Stiff legged deadlifts: 4 x 10


Reverse curls: 5 x 15
Wrist curls: 5 x 15
Reverse wrist curls: 5 x 15
Dumbbell levers: 5 x 15 each arm
Gripper work as desired

Building Your Calves


Press behind neck: 3 x 10
Curls: 3 x 10
Bent over rows: 3 x 15
bench press: 3 x 12
Squats: 2 x 15
Pullovers: 2 x 20 (supersetted w/ squats)
Stiff legged deadlifts: 1 x 15
Leg raises: 1 x 25

5 days per week:

Machine calf raises: 5 x 20
Reverse calf raises (lifting toes): 5 x 20
Seated calf raises: 5 x 20
Donkey calf raises: 5 x 20

Arm Specialization


6 Giant Sets:

Seated Press Behind The Neck - 8
Squats - 10
Chins behind neck - 8
Twisting situps - 20
Incline dumbbell press - 8
Calf raise - 15

Run 2 miles


Curls 5 X 7
Dips 5 X 8
Incline Dumbbell Curls 5 X 8
French Press 5 X 8
Concentration Curls 5 X 10
Triceps Pressdown 5 X 10

Back Work For Bulk


Prone hyperextensions 4 X 12
Squats 1 X 20
Rows 5 X 12
Chins behind neck 5 X 8
Stiff legged deadlift 3 x 12
Power cleans 5 x 5


Calf raise 4 x 25
Incline dumbbell press 3 x 12
Cuddle situps 2 x 50
Concentration curls 3 x 10
Press behind neck 4 x 12

For a Big Chest

3 month routine

Month 1

Seated presses behind neck 3 X 10
Incline dumbbell curls 3 X 10
Squats 1 X 20
Pullovers 1 X 20 (supersetted w/ squats)
Dips 3 X 12
Squats 1 X 20
Pullovers 1 X 20 (supersetted w/ squats)
Chins behind neck 3 X 15
Stiff legged deadlifts 1 X 15
Pullovers 1 X 20

3 times per week

Month 2

One arm military presses 3 X 12
Concentration curls 3 X 12
Squats 1 X 20
Pullovers 1 X 20 (supersetted w/ squats)
Bench Press 5 X 10
Flyes 5 X 12
Squats 1 X 20
Pullovers 1 X 20 (supersetted w/ squats)
Rows 5 X 12
Pulldowns 5 X 15
Stiff legged deadlifts 1 X 15
Pullovers 1 X 20
Stiff legged deadlifts 1 X 10
Pullovers 1 X 20
Stiff legged deadlifts 1 X 8
Pullovers 1 X 20

3 times per week

Month 3


Standing Press 5 X 5
Lateral raises 3 X 12
Rows 5 X 8
Chins 5 X 8
Pulldowns behind neck 3 X 15
Prone hyperextension 3 X 12
Incline dumbbell curls 5 X 8 supersetted w/:
French press 5 X 8
Concentration curls 5 X 10 supersetted w/:
Triceps pressdowns 5 X 10
Hise shrugs 3 X 20 supersetted w/:
Pullovers 3 X 20


Squats 3 sets - 25/20/15 supersetted w/:
Pullovers 3 X 20
Bench press 5 X 8
Flyes 5 X 12
Incline dumbbell press 5 X 6
Suspended ring pushups 5 X 10

Gain Weight To Build Your Arms

3 month routine

Month 1

Press Behind Neck 2 X 12
Rows 4 X 15
Squats 1 X 20
Pullovers 1 X 20
Bench Press 3 X 12
Stiff legged deadlifts 1 x 15 supersetted w/:
Shrugs 1 X 15
Barbell curls 4 X 10
Dips 4 X 10
Alternating Dumbbell curls 4 X 12
Triceps pressdown 4 X 12

3 times per week

Month 2


Prone hyperextensions 3 X 12
Squats 2 X 15 supersetted w/:
Pullovers 2 X 20
Dumbbell bench press 4 X 10
Chins behind neck 3 X 15
Chins to the front 3 X 15
One arm military presses 4 X 10


Curls 4 X 12
Close Grip Bench Press 4 X 12
Incline dumbbell curls 4 X 10
Standing French Presses 4 X 10
Seated cable curls 4 X 8
Triceps pressdowns 4 X 8

Month 3


Prone hyperextensions 3 X 12
Squats 5 X 5 supersetted w/:
Pullovers 5 X 20
Bench press 5 X 5
Rows 5 X 5
Presses behind the neck 5 X 5


Cheat curls 5 X 8 supersetted w/
Dips 5 X 8
Close grip curls 5 X 8 supersetted w/
French presses 5 X 8
Preacher curls 5 X 8 supersetted w/
Triceps pressdowns 5 X 8

Leg Specialization For Bulk

Prone hyperextensions 1 X 15
Squats 3 X 12 supersetted w/:
Pullovers 3 X 20
Hip belt squats 3 X 15
Pullovers 3 X 15
Calf raises 3 X 25
Leg curls 3 X 15
Calf raise 3 X 20
Front squats 3 X 10

3 times per week

Cutting Routines

P.H.A. For Definition

Giant sets of 5 exercises

3 Giant Sets:

Squats - 10 reps
Situps - 25 reps
Concentration Curls - 10 reps
Side Bends - 25 reps
Neck - 10 reps

3 Giant Sets:

Bench Press - 10
Leg Raises - 25
Chins Behind The Neck - 10
Seated Twists - 25
Donkey Calf Raises - 15

3 Giant Sets:

Stiff Legged Deadlifts - 10
Cuddle Situps - 25
Press Behind Neck - 10
Bent Forward Twists - 25
French Presses - 10

2-3 times per week

More On P.H.A.

Giant sets of 5 exercises

5 Giant Sets:

Front Squats - 12
Cuddle Situps - 25
Curls - 10
Seated Twists - 25
Wrestler's Bridge - 10

5 Giant Sets:

Incline Dumbbell Press - 10
Situps - 25 reps
Rows - 12
Bent Forward Twists - 25
Calf Raise - 15

5 Giant Sets:

Prone Hyperextensions - 12
Leg Raises - 25
One Arm Military Press - 10
Side Bend - 25
Close Grip Bench 10

Run for 10 minutes

3 times per week



5 Giant Sets:

Front Squats - 8
Incline Dumbbell Curls - 10
Calf Raise - - 20
Twisting situps on incline board - 30
One arm military press - 10

5 Giant Sets:

Incline dumbbell press - 10
Lat pulldowns - 12
Side bends - 30
Triceps pressdowns - 10
Lateral raises - 12

5 Giant Sets:

Chins - 12
Concentration curls - 10
Hanging leg raises - 12
Flyes - 12
Standing french press - 10

5 Giant Sets:

Upright rows - 12
Dips - 10
Seated Twists - 30
Wide grip chins behind neck - 10
Triceps extension - 10

Run for 10 minutes


Run for 10 minutes

Incline board situps - Max reps up to 100
Side bends - 100 reps per side
Pushups - 25
Leg raises - Max reps up to 100

Trimming Down For That Polished Look


Prone hyperextensions 3 X 15
Front Squats 4 X 12
Pullovers 4 X 20
Seated calf raises 5 X 25
Leaning calf raises 5 X 25
Rows 4 X 10
Chins 4 X 12
Pulldowns 4 X 15
Seated twists 3 X 100
Leg raises 3 X 100


Press behind neck 4 X 8
Front raise 3 X 12
Side lateral raises 3 X 12
Bent over lateral raises 3 X 12
Incline dumbbell press 4 X 12
Flyes 4 X 15
Incline curls 5 X 10
Concentration curls 4 X 12
Close grip bench press 4 X 10
French press 4 X 12
Triceps pressdowns 3 X 15
Seated twists 3 X 100
Cuddle situps 3 X 100

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