bear-ing it since 72

bear-ing it since 72
bear-ing it since 72

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Thursday 28th March 2013

Olympic weightlifting technique -

Clean to front rack position then move feet to front squat -

5x1 - bar
8x1 - 40k
2x1- 60k - cleaned weight but failed coming up from front squat, bar rolled out of hands. Two reasons inflexibility in heels and wrists. So need to work on flexibility more.

Advised to put plank of wood under the feet then front squat and keep elbows high. eventually flexibility will return. I may see if I can find a way of increasing the heel with heels raisers.

Deficit snatch grip deadlifts -

1x1 - 120k,
1x1 - 140k  - failed

Failed at this weight and tried to deadlift it but had no strength so called the session to and end. Must of not recovered from yesterdays session.

Form was abit off on all movements and not much aggression so these are indicators that I have not recovered from pervious training sessions.

I think I may start training one on and two off. Always seem to bounce back after two days rest.

So alittle disappointed about this session but still abit happy as I managed to do the Olympic weightlifting technique.

So im going to have three rest days and have a rethink of the frequency and just hit my flexibility, which I think needs to be done everyday.

I have been thinking about why snatch grip deadlifts felt heavy.

1) Im lifting in oly shoes, so the raised heel could have something to do with it. I have noticed in my other deadlift sessions that my power was slacking alittle bit. So it maybe just getting use to shoes.

2) I have not snatch gripped deadlifted for about 3 weeks so my form and strength would off ebbed alittle. So if I had started with lower a lower weight and attacked it as a new exercise it would of felt better. I noticed that 120k felt heavy so I should of started with 100k, then 110k, then 115k, and 120k.

im frustrated at my workout today but never mind....we learn from defeat and champions are born!!!

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