bear-ing it since 72

bear-ing it since 72
bear-ing it since 72

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Tuesday 21st May 2013

Front squat - (Olympic grip) - 1x1 - 70k, 80k, 90k,
*100k was a failure - got down but couldn't get back up...maybe if I pushed it I would of got it, cant really determine why I didn't come back up.

Push press - 1x1 - 60k, 70k, 80k
*90k was a failure - didn't manage to lock out. Going to revert back to partial push press and add in partial push press from 1 inch below my sticking point.

C&J tech - 5x1 - bar only.
*Practiced moving my hands out so I could jerk it, As wrist flexibility is not improving so adding this tech to see if I can keep the lift moving. I will still preserve with the normal grip.

Power snatch > overhead squat tech - 5x1 - bar only
*Going to put both these lifts together to see if I can improve my flexibility and work on the lift itself.

Power shrug tech - 5x1 - bar only.

Reverse bench hypers - 1x15 - bodyweight.

 *Was abit dispppointed about the training today. However my front squat has improved using a Olympic grip instead of a bodybuilding grip. When I first tried it i could only manage 60k and now im upto 90k so all in all not bad. So ill keep hammering at it and improve slowly.

*Not happy with my push press been stuck at 80k but i think by adding in sticking point partials it will help a lot. So i plan on pushing the bottom to sticking point push press and then adding in a 1 inch below sticking point to lockout partial and hammering away on both until im push pressing 140k.

So mixed feelings about training today one positive and one negative outcome but maybe an extra rest day may of helped. Front squats could of been a wrist inflexibility issue and could of taking more rest maybe got more aggressive before the lift. as for the push press this is going to be a hard battle but ill win!!!

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