bear-ing it since 72

bear-ing it since 72
bear-ing it since 72

Monday, 31 December 2012

Strength program

Day 1

Bench press - 10x1 (80%) 

Deadlift - 10x1 (80%)

Dip - 5x1 (80%)

Thickbar barbell curl - 10x1 (80%)

Standing hipbelt calf raises - 3x10 (80%)

Day 2

Front Squat - 10x1 (80%)

Seated thickbar front press - 10x1 (80%)

Trapbar shrug - 10x1 (80%)
Rear fly - 3x8
Face pull - 3x8

Seated Leg curl - 10x1 (80%)

Day 3

Incline bench press - 10x1 (80%)
Trapbar row - 10x1 (80%)
Cable row 10x1 (80%)

Thick handle dumbbell curl - 5x1 (80%)
Thick handle hammer curl - 5x1 (80%)

Triceps overhead extension - 5x1 (80%)
Triceps pushdowns - 5x1 (80%)

Seated hipbelt calf raises - 3x8

Day 4

Squat - 10x1 (80%)
Romanian deadlift - 10x1 (80%)
Deficit trapbar deadlift – high pull - 10x1 (80%)

Lateral raise - 3x8

Leg extension - 1x10, 12, 15, 20
Lying leg curl - 1x10, 12, 15, 20

Day 5
Snatch - 10x1 (80%)
Sandbag walk
Rolling thunder deadlift - 10x1 (80%)

Chin - 10x1 (80%)
Pulldown - 10x1 (80%)

Weighted situps - 1x15, 20, 25, 30, 35
Twists - 200 reps
Leg raises or knee inns - 1x15, 20, 25, 30, 35

Hyperextension 1x15, 20, 25, 30, 35
Good morning 1x15, 20, 25, 30, 35
Pull through 1x15, 20, 25, 30, 35

Machine Calf raises 1x15, 20, 25, 30, 35

L-fly - 3x10



Sunday, 30 December 2012

Phill Heath motivation...

Anth Bailes motivation....

Kai Greene motivation...

Branch Warren....


Saturday, 29 December 2012

Bodybuilding 5-Day a week Training Split

The Split
WorkoutMuscle GroupsTotal Sets
2Back / Triceps11 / 8
3Quads / Hamstrings8 / 8
4Calves / Abs / Forearms5 / 5 / 5
5Chest / Biceps8 / 6

Workout #1 - Shoulders
ExerciseSets / RepsTarget
Side Dumbbell Raises3 / 6-10Medial (Side) Deltoid Head
Machine Barbell Press3 / 6-10Anterior (Front) Deltoid Head
Rear Dumbbell Raises2 / 6-10Posterior (Rear) Deltoid Head
Workout #2
ExerciseSets / RepsTarget
Dumbbell Bent-Over Rows4 / 6-10Lat Development
Close-Grip Chin-Ups4 / 6-10Lower Lat Development
Narrow Grip T-Bar Rows3 / 8-12Outer Back Development
Narrow-Grip Bench Presses3 / 8-12Overall Mass
Incline or Decline Barbell Extensions3 / 8-12Triceps Inner Head
Bench Dips2 / 8-12Triceps Outer & Medial Heads
Workout #3 - Quads / Hamstrings
ExerciseSets / RepsTarget
Front Squats4 / 6-10Outer Thigh Development
Hack Squats4 / 6-12Front Sweep of Thighs
Lying Leg Curls4 / 6-10Hamstrings / Inner Thigh Development
Straight - Legged Deadlifts4 / 6-12
Workout #4 - Calves / Abs / Forearms
ExerciseSets / RepsTarget
Machine Donkey Calf Raises3 / 6-12Gastrocnemius Muscles
Seated Calf Raises2 / 6-12Soleus Muscle
Reverse Crunches3 / Failure, PreferenceLower Abs
Floor Crunches2 / Failure, PreferenceUpper Abs
Reverse Curls with a Barbell3 / 6-12Upper Forearms / Wrist Extensor Muscles
One-Arm Wrist Curls2 / 6-12Inner Forearms / Wrist Flexor Muscles
Workout #5 - Chest / Biceps
ExerciseSets / RepsTarget
Incline Dumbbell Flies3 / 6-12Upper Chest
Flat Bench Press3 / 6-12Lower Chest
Cable Crossovers2 / 6-12Middle Chest
Narrow-Grip Preacher Curls3 / 6-12Outer Biceps
Dumbbell Concentration Curls3 / 6-12Biceps Peak

Bodybuilding 4-Day a Week Split

The Split
WorkoutMuscle GroupsTotal Sets
#1Legs / Calves / Forearms9 / 9 / 6 / 6
#2Chest / Abs10 / 6
#3Back / Biceps9 / 6
#4Shoulders / Triceps9 / 6

Workout#1 - Legs / Forearms
ExerciseSets / RepsTarget
Squats3 / 12-15Lower Thigh Development
Leg Presses3 / 12Lower Thigh Development
Leg Extensions3 / 12Lower Thigh Development
Stiff - Legged Deadlifts3 / 12Hamstrings
Straight - Legged Deadlifts3 / 12Hamstrings
Lying Leg Curls3 / 12Hamstrings
Leg Press Calf Raises3 / 8-12Gastrocnemius Muscles
Reverse Calf Raise on Block3 / 8-12Tibialis Anterior Muscle
Hammer Curls3 / 12Upper Forearms / Wrist Extensor Muscles
One-Arm Wrist Curls3 / 12Inner Forearms / Wrist Flexor Muscles

Workout #2 - Chest / Abs
ExerciseSets / RepsTarget
Flat Bench Press3 / 8-12Overall Mass
Incline Bench Press3 / 8-12Upper Chest
Decline Dumbbell Flies3 / 8-12Lower Chest
PushupsFailureInner Chest / Cool Down
Reverse CrunchesPreferenceLower Abs
Upper AbsPreferenceRoman Chairs

Workout #3 - Back / Biceps
ExerciseSets / RepsTarget
Barbell Bent-Over Rows12Upper Back and Lat Thickness
Dumbbell Bent-Over Rows12Lat Development
T-Bar Rows12Middle Back Thickness
Standing Alternate Dumbell Curls12Inner Biceps
Standing Barbell Curls12Overall Biceps Mass

Workout #4 - Shoulders / Triceps
ExerciseSets / RepsTarget
Incline Dumbbell Raises12Medial (Side) Deltoid Head
Barbell (Military) Press12Anterior (Front) Deltoid Head
Rear Macine Raises12Posterior (Rear) Deltoid Head
Narrow-Grip Bench Presses12Overall Mass
Triceps Inner Head12Standing Barbell Extensions

Bodybuilding 3-Day a Week Split

The Split
WorkoutMuscle GroupsTotal Sets
1Chest / Triceps / Biceps7 / 6 / 6
2Legs / Abs / Forearms12 / 4 / 4
3Back / Shoulders9 / 6

Workout #1 - Chest / Biceps / Triceps
ExerciseSets / RepsTarget
Cable Crossovers2 / 8-12Lower Chest
Flat Bench Press3 / 6-12
Flat Dumbbell Flies2 / 8-12Middle Chest
Biceps Peak3 / 6-12Dumbbell Concentration Curls
Outer Biceps3 / 6-12Narrow-Grip Preacher Curls
Triceps Outer Head2 / 6-12Rope Pushdowns
Flat-Bench Barbell Extensions2 / 6-12Triceps Inner Head
Standing Triceps Presses2 / 6-12Overall Mass
Workout #2 - Legs / Abs / Forearms
ExerciseSets / RepsTarget
Leg Extensions3 / 6-12Lower Thigh Development
Lunges3 / 6-12Inner Thigh Development / Hamstrings
Hack Squats3 / 6-12Front Sweep of Thighs
Leg Press Calf Raises3 / 6-12Gastrocnemius Muscles
Crunches4 / Preference, FailureLower Abs
Reverse Curls with a Barbell4 / 6-12Upper Forearms / Wrist Extensor Muscles
Workout #3 - Back / Shoulders
ExerciseSets / RepsTarget
Seated Cable Rows3 / 6-12Lat Development
Close-Grip Chin-Ups3 / 6-12Lower Lat Development
T-Bar Rows3 / 6-12Middle Back Thickness / Outer Back Development
Rear Dumbbell Raises3 / 6-12Posterior (Rear) Deltoid Head
Barbell (Military) Press3 / 6-12Anterior (Front) Deltoid Head

No pain....


Do it....




Now thats a bench!!!!!


Dieting for powerlifters

By Shawn "Bud" Lyte

Over the years, unfounded rumors, myths and half-truths have arisen and taken hold in regards to the detriments of cardio and die * ting to power and strength performance. Cardio allegedly drains a powerlifter's power akin to Superman wearing a Kryptonite codpiece. This is true only if the cardio is pre-workout, intense, and in excess of 15-20 minutes, and depends on the subsequent workout. For example, one would not want to spend 20 minutes on a stepper or hammering on a cycle before their squat training.  I've found that doing only a light and brief (5 minute) cardio warm up on squat days helps keep my legs and squats strong for training. Typically, my trainees, teammates and I will do 20 minutes of post- workout cardio on bench days and off days, which comes out 3 days a week on average. For those who only do evening workouts, 20-30 minutes of morning cardio, every other day, works very well.  As far as weight loss, I never rely on or look to cardio as a sole or primary means to that, preferring diet modification. Approach that I take with my trainees, that continues to work well, is to drop calories over the course of 3-4 weeks to about 70% of my maintenance calories, then hold at 70% until the target weight range is reached. That usually does not take more than four weeks if the lifter is not trying to drop more than 30 pounds.

Example: wk 1: 9 x bodyweight integer (250 lb) = 2250 calories
wk 2: 8 x bodyweight integer (250 lb) = 2000 calories
wk 3: 7 x bodyweight integer (250 lb) = 1750 calories

From here, calories are brought (over the course of 3-4 weeks) back up to 90% which becomes the lifter's new maintenance calorie intake. The key here is to keep the calories as lean as possible. No processed foods (except on a cheat day here and there), no saturated or hydrogenated fats at any time, and always, always, always consuming protein with carbs. That means if someone is drinking PowerAde, they have some nuts or a protein bar with it.  A lean operation is an efficient one, and the same goes for bodies. You will find that when you keep your body fat and weight under control, your training and metabolic efficiency and performance improve considerably and comparatively effortlessly.  Stay with it,

Shawn "Bud" Lyte - CME, CSN
Resident Sports Nutritionist
100% RAW Powerlifting Federation

Bench Press Routine


Week 1 — 8 SETS X 6 REPS 60% of 1 rep max

Week 2 — 8 SETS X 6 REPS 62.5%

Week 3 — 8 SETS X 6 REPS 65%

Week 4 — 8 SETS X 6 REPS 67.5%

*These should be speed reps without pause. Keep rest times between sets relatively short. 90 seconds should be sufficient.


Week 1
Day 1 5 SETS X 4 REPS 60% (speed reps)
Day 2 1-2 SETS X 1 REP 80%
If Day 3 repeat Day 1

Week 2
Day 1 — 5 SETS X 4 REPS 62.5% (speed reps)
Day 2 — 1-2 SETS X 1 REP 85%
If Day 3 repeat Day 1

Week 3
Day 1 — 5 SETS X 4 REPS 65% (speed reps)
Day 2 — 1-2 SETS X 1 REP 90%
If Day 3 repeat Day 1

Week 4
Day 1 — 5 SETS X 4 REPS 67.5% (speed reps)
Day 2 — 1-2 SETS X 1 REP 90%
If Day 3 repeat Day 1

On the 9th week take day 1 off and find a new 1 rep max on day 2. You can repeat this cycle or try a new workout at the beginning of the next week. If you completed this going only twice a week, I would recommend trying it 3 times per week before trying a new workout.

The Extended Russian Routine

Day 1 - Light Squat/Heavy Bench
Day 2 - Heavy Deadlift
Day 3 - Heavy Squat/Light Bench

          Day 1                   Day 2                   Day 3
Week 1  SQ:6*2@80%              DL:6*3@80%              SQ:6*3@80%
        BP:6*3@80%                                      BP:6*2@80%
Week 2  SQ:6*2@80%              DL:6*4@80%              SQ:6*4@80%
        BP:6*4@80%                                      BP:6*2@80%
Week 3  SQ:6*2@80%              DL:6*5@80%              SQ:6*5@80%
        BP:6*5@80%                                      BP:6*2@80%
Week 4  SQ:6*2@80%              DL:6*6@80%              SQ:6*6@80%
        BP:6*6@80%                                      BP:6*2@80%
Week 5  SQ:6*2@80%              DL:5*5@85%              SQ:5*5@85%
        BP:5*5@85%                                      BP:6*2@80%
Week 6  SQ:6*2@80%              DL:4*4@90%              SQ:4*4@90%
        BP:4*4@90%                                      BP:6*2@80%
Week 7  SQ:6*2@80%              DL:3*3@95%              SQ:3*3@95%
        BP:3*3@95%                                      BP:6*2@80%
Week 8  SQ:6*2@80%              DL:2*2@100%             SQ:2*2@100%
        BP:2*2@100%                                     BP:6*2@80%
Week 9  SQ:6*2@80%              DL:1*1@105%             SQ:1*1@105%
        BP:1*1@105%                                     BP:6*2@80%

Basic 6 week Russian Cycle

The notation used is 6*2@80% = 6 sets of 2 reps at 80% of your 1RM.
          Day 1                   Day 2                   Day 3
Week 1   6*2@80%                 6*3@80%                 6*2@80%
Week 2   6*4@80%                 6*2@80%                 6*5@80%
Week 3   6*2@80%                 6*6@80%                 6*2@80%
Week 4   5*5@85%                 6*2@80%                 4*4@90%
Week 5   6*2@80%                 3*3@95%                 6*2@80%
Week 6   2*2@100%                6*2@80%                 1*1@105%

Simple method for increasing 1 rep max strength

100%+ (PR)
101-105% (PR)

“When lifters repeatedly use the same simple method of training to raise their strength level, they will eventually stall. Like the scholar who must utilize many sources of information to achieve a higher level of knowledge, the lifter must incorporate new and more difficult exercises to raise their standards. Many have the theory that to squat, bench, or deadlift more, you simply have to do the three lifts. If it were that simple no one would need special exercises, machines, or systems of training. But we know this is not true.”

-Louie Simmons

6-Week Westside-Barbell Conjugate Method

WeekMonday: Max Effort Squat/DeadliftWednesday: Max Effort BenchFriday: Dynamic Effort Squat/DeadliftSaturday: Dynamic Effort Bench
11) Close-Stance Below Parallel Box Squat. Work up to a 1RM1) 2-Board Bench Press. Work up to a 1RM1) Wide Stance Below Parallel Box Squat: 12 x 2 @ 75% 1RM1) Close Grip Bench Press: 9 x 3 @ 50% 1RM
21) Rack Pull from Pin 1. Work up to a 1RM1) Close-Grip Bench Press. Work up to a 1RM1) Wide Stance Below Parallel Box Squat: 12 x 2 @ 80% 1RM1) Close Grip Bench Press: 9 x 3 @ 50% 1RM
31) Wide Stance Above Parallel Box Squat. Work up to a 1RM1) Floor Press. Work up to a 1RM1) Wide Stance Below Parallel Box Squat:10 x 2 @ 85% 1RM1) Close Grip Bench Press: 9 x 3 @ 50% 1RM
11) Good Morning Variation. Work up to a 3RM1) DBell Bench Press. Work up to a 3RM1) Conventional Stance Parallel Box Squat vs. Bands: 12 x 2 @ 75% 1RM1) Floor Press: 9 x 3 @ 50% 1RM
21) Sumo Deficit Pull from a 2” Mat. Work up to a 1RM1) 1-Board Bench Press. Work up to a 1RM1) Conventional Stance Parallel Box Squat vs. Bands: 12 x 2 @ 80% 1RM1) Floor Press: 9 x 3 @ 50% 1RM
31) Zercher Squat. Work up to a 1RM1) Rack Press. Work up to a 1RM1) Conventional Stance Parallel Box Squat vs. Bands: 12 x 2 @ 85% 1RM1) Floor Press: 9 x 3 @ 50% 1RM

Sample Accessory Work Movements
Squat/Deadlift DaysBench Press Days
All Good Morning VariationsDBell Press Variations(incline/flat/standing)
45 Degree Back Extension/Reverse HyperextensionPushup Variations (close grip, clap pushups)
Cable Pull Through VariationsTricep Specific Movements (extensions/press downs)
Glute Ham Raise/Hamstring Curl VariationsAll Rowing Movements (cable/d-bell/barbell)
Sled/Prowler Pulling/PushingLat Specific Movements (lat pull down/chins)
Lat Specific Movements (lat pull down/chins)Shoulder Specific Movements (rear delt/front/side raises)